Monday, June 22, 2015

The Joy This Gospel Brings

Tuesday, we taught Susanna Fagundez the law of the fast. She is a less active sister who wants to come back to church and wanted to know more about fasting in order to keep this commandment. So we helped her out with that and it was a very special lesson.
We also taught Maria the importance of family history and temple work and how they go hand in hand.

On Wednesday, we taught Leticia, who told us that she really wants to go to the temple. And we had actually prepared a lesson on the temple and the steps to get there! It was not a coincidence. It was what she needed to learn, and we came prepared to teach. We also taught Gladys Diaz the message of the Restoration!! I love teaching that lesson to members just to be able to return to the foundation and strengthen our testimonies there where it is important. After we met a guy named Ezekiel who has a brother named Israel. Hahah, he was like "I also have a sister." And I said "Really! What´s her name?" And hes like "Oh nothing from the Bible...its Evelyn." And I was just disappointed. Hahaha. No but I was pretty disappointed.

On Thursday, we had divisions and I had the opportunity to work with Elder Campos, from Brasil! For the first time in about 3 months, I got to speak Portuguese again! Yay! But we had miracles all day. We were walking down the street and I was like "Hey lets go knock this door quickly." We went and we introduced ourselves as missionaries to Marikena (about 25 years old). We asked if we could share the gospel message and to our surprise she says "Im with my mom and brother, but yeah, we´d love to hear it." And she opened the door for us. We were in shock, hahah, but we walked in, taught the message of the Restoration with the Holy Ghost testifying clearly of our words. It was incredible the Spirit felt in that moment when we presented the first vision. In the end, they promised that they would pray to know that the message is true.
After we visited Aida, an active member who lives with Suly (her daughter) and Suly´s husband Antonio, who are not members. We asked if we could share with them the Restoration, and we did. Ask we spoke and testified of the Savior Jesus Christ, Suly began to cry. In the end, she told us that she felt it was true, what we had taught. It was a miracle!

Friday, we visited the Gimarais family and watched a great video on the Mormon Channel called "Acompañame" or "Abide with me".
Saturday, we had a lesson with Florencia on "enduring to the end". Also, the group of members (including Maria who was baptized 2 weeks ago) returned from the temple!!!! Maria was able to be baptized for her grandmother in who passed away. And on Sunday she bore her testimony on her first time in the temple and how she felt. It was incredible!! I love this gospel and the joy it brings!

Elder Teloma

Maria before her trip to the temple!!!!

haha. pitbull

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Elder Teloma. Today it's the birthday one of the Lord son's. We (Hänke) wish the Lord's son happy birthday. Enjoy your last couples of day in Uruguay. May the Lord bless you. Opa Helge
